Plausible Deniabilty

March 4, 2018 Alison Bell 0

Problem: So far, if information belongs to the government, it sorta, technically, belongs to the people. That means we can eventually get it declassified and do a FOIA Freedom of Information Act United States The Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552, is a federal freedom of information law that allows for the full or partial disclosure of previously unreleased information and documents controlled by the United States government. Wikipedia   request and read and educate ourselves about whatever we requested. Eventually. Some of it. Now, Once this information, research and development go into corporate private structure and companies, [-MORE-]

The ET Time Capsule: a must view

February 18, 2018 Alison Bell 0

  Dark Journalist and Robert Merritt: Nixon’s ET Time Capsule Will Change History Dark Journalist, Daniel Liszt interviews Federal informant Robert Merritt in what the former believes to be his greatest scoop yet. Merritt was introduced to DJ by past interviewee Douglas Caddy, the Watergate attorney who represented E Howard Hunt, Gordon Liddy and for the five burglars who broke in disguised as plumbers. Official FOIA documents show that Robert Merritt was an informant for the FBI, CIA and the ATF and he also testified at the Senate Watergate hearings. Merritt is now believed to be in the final weeks [-MORE-]

The Third Physics: the intersect between UFO’s and consciousness

February 16, 2018 Alison Bell 0

It’s called the ‘Third Physics’ because: The first was Newtonian. Then there was Einsteinian. And then there appears to be a third way…. Which has been in front of our eyes for thousands of years – had we been able to get past the programming. (see Joseph Farrel and Paul LaViolette etc…) So I was going to write a long article on it because it seems with the advent of things like orbs and consciousness becoming better known and the awareness of people picking up as to actually understand some of this, this information has become an imperative. However, this [-MORE-]

The Mass Marketing in my Head

January 9, 2018 Alison Bell 0

I am sure you all could really add to this list – and also see how these all intertwine on many points, but here are a few ways we are all being marketed to and lead down the garden path – and, IMO being distracted from the one thing we never do: spending time knocking around inside ourselves getting to know us.   Mass marketing scheme # 1: the oldest one around The idea that the cataclysms we know of from the past – even millions of years ago, were NOT natural. That they were created. IF: you can manipulate [-MORE-]


January 5, 2018 Alison Bell 0

It has been recognized by many people over the years that ET tech and consciousness are one and the same, and that you need to be in a certain state, frequency, to operate this tech, it is also been noticed that certain people are better at it than others.  Thus the genome project and the public offerings of things like Ancestry dot-com and its ilk popping up. If you wanted to know who had the genes, the capability and or that prevalence in a sub section of the population – what a good way to find it! Joseph Farrel talks [-MORE-]

it’s a rock…

December 30, 2017 Alison Bell 0

Remember when you are researching and reading that you are reading the ‘voice’ of someone’s conclusions about what is being written. The tidbits of information, however are interesting and must be delineated from the opinion. Whether the information is correct or not, will in time, be easier to discern. The more information garnered, sort of like a tipping point, will make it easier to either connect the dots or not, but information cannot be thrown out because the deliverer has ideas ABOUT that information that you don’t agree with. Like looking at a rock and saying to yourself, ok, that’s [-MORE-]

As Above, So Below

December 23, 2017 Alison Bell 0

The entire reality paradigm is about analogy. Never forget that. All of what you perceive, all of what you see, has a sameness both above and below. So, that means: If you want to know if ‘aliens’ are good or bad, look around you. If you want to know if relationships are different outside of 3D, look around you. If you want to know if God (big ‘G’) exists, look around you. If you want to know if love is real, look around you. If you want to know if all the bull shit is real, look around you.   [-MORE-]

‘The Decision’, or clean your room.

December 18, 2017 Alison Bell 0

It is strange how life turns out sometimes. How you end up where you never thought you would, and how life sends you down weird twists and turns and across misty, dimly lit landscapes. By the time you are my age, you are used to meeting yourself, both your good and bad, your bright and your dark and you realize that it has all been training in ‘the decision’. My dearest friend in the world is walking down the path to death, release and a new reality, with great strength and forbearing. She is not ready to give up yet [-MORE-]

The Day Disclosure Happened

December 17, 2017 Alison Bell 0

The day disclosure happened, Jimmy church went live with a Saturday show. The networks all supported him. Tom Delong delivered and to make sure that it wasn’t disparaged, it came out on the mainstream media without a mention of his name. The day disclosure happened, those of us who have been involved with this issue for more than 50 years plus, sat back with our jaws on the floor. This was an unprecedented move by the government (!) of all places, to tell us, well not us, because we already know, but tell the ‘Jon Q Public” that the issue [-MORE-]

Take the box down off the closet shelf and open it.

December 15, 2017 Alison Bell 0

There is a profound interaction between energy and information and consciousness. Energy itself is conscious. Information is the matrix of that consciousness. Consciousness is the awareness of the intersection of the two states, the product of that multiplication is intelligence. If a soul is a gathering of a type of energy (consciousness coherence) then: that energy is a torsion tensor within an intelligence field of energy. It is a form of scalar wave. A body would be: a spinning coagulation of energy in organized cohered zero points. (chakras) as are all atoms, molecules and cell structures: simply larger organized areas [-MORE-]