The Bench Engineering of Consciousness

May 27, 2018 Alison Bell 0

Bottom line, if you have 2 counter rotating electromagnetic fields in close proximity you can control time and reality. It’s only a matter of placement and harmonics. The question becomes, at what level do you want that control? On a consciousness level or a physical matter level? Will you know how to control it to get the results you want – can you bench engineer it? Repeat it? Scale it? Therein the consideration of the electrical power/potential of the field becomes the issue. IE: the Die Glocke ripped holes in the fabric of space time the same as the atom [-MORE-]


March 14, 2018 Alison Bell 0

Could it be that even in 3D the one truth we all ignore is the truest? That being: consciousness is the real reality. In other words, while the frequency soup we are currently swimming in is deleterious to our very existence, and our awareness of our consciousness, that our consciousnesses are very alive and vital if we just noticed. I have sneaking suspicion that it doesn’t matter how poisoned we are, how ill we are, or how frequency managed we are, consciousness is untouched by it. The frequency management is effecting our bodies, and because we really and in some [-MORE-]


January 5, 2018 Alison Bell 0

It has been recognized by many people over the years that ET tech and consciousness are one and the same, and that you need to be in a certain state, frequency, to operate this tech, it is also been noticed that certain people are better at it than others.  Thus the genome project and the public offerings of things like Ancestry dot-com and its ilk popping up. If you wanted to know who had the genes, the capability and or that prevalence in a sub section of the population – what a good way to find it! Joseph Farrel talks [-MORE-]

The Great Expectancy

October 10, 2017 Alison Bell 0

What does a frequency create? A disruption or a change in the physical medium – or our 3D space. A frequency has a rhythm, but no vector. That is, it is a potential area of stress or tension in the physical medium, until it is acted upon. Stress and tension. Anticipation. A waiting. A holding potential – until it is nudged in a certain direction. Then depending on all sorts of factors all of which are directional, when combined with the area of potential you have movement and actual 3D effects. This is much like the mechanical device discussed last [-MORE-]

The Fifth Form of Prayer

August 2, 2017 Alison Bell 0

This fifth mode of prayer, the “lost mode,” is a prayer that’s based solely in feeling. … Without any words, without our hands held in a certain position or any outward physical expression, this mode of prayer simply invites us to feel a clear and powerful feeling as if our prayers have already been answered.    Secrets of the Lost Mode of Prayer – Kryon This is to our direct connection to the source. The zero point field is always responding to our every feeling. When we use words to pray, we enter into a slippery slope, because most of those [-MORE-]

The Informational field, or the 10,000 names of…

July 27, 2017 Alison Bell 0

I think it is interesting that Pete Peterson calls ‘spiritual energy, the informational field. He is correct, but it has also been called the siddhis, the Akashic record, aether, ether, subquantum field, zero point field, space time continuum – the name for that field in which all matter is created and survives, the base framework that allows matter to coagulate and gain mass, light, slow light, electromagnetic field, god, source, prime creator, essence… this list goes on and on : the more than thousands of names of the something we all know in our inmost parts. In one way Pete is [-MORE-]

Echoing from the corridors of ancient history: We Are Electric in an Electric Universe

June 2, 2017 Alison Bell 0

Have you ever wondered why so many ancient monolithic structures are situated in astronomical alignment with the constellations in the sky? Or why the zodiac and correct measurement of where everything in the sky in relationship to the earth was so very important to the ancients? In every ancient culture are left indelible records in structures that provide those answers, not only as a planned record left behind for us, but also in the evidence of what happened to the structures after time went forward. Almost like a statement of fact including the proof. The panel discussion at the end [-MORE-]

Dare to Dream: IMO

May 13, 2017 Alison Bell 0

I listen to it all. There is the second half of the Dark Journalist Bill Ryan interview that just went up this morning. In any normal case this type of evidence in a court of law would be considered circumstantial and used to back up the claims for the case against Corey – as none of the truly damming parts, like the video of Corey and his wife plotting together can be produced. They are ? top secret. And Corey cannot produce a Blue Avian. So where does that leave us? With a wonderful story who’s basic premise is that [-MORE-]


April 26, 2017 Alison Bell 0

You can’t get lost if you have a map. But you need the whole map. You need light to read it and you need eyes to see it and use it. The biggest problem we have right now is this idea that life is an either or proposition. Black/white, good/bad, left/right, up/down… Physical/nuts and bolts, or nonphysical/consciousness… If you want to trick us landlubbers – muggles stuck down here on the planet, just make it invisible to us – we’ve been trained to do the rest of it. (the giggle factor, the professional suicide, the mental institutions…etc.) Like Pavlov’s dogs, [-MORE-]

Density vs. Denseness

April 3, 2017 Alison Bell 0

From watching David Wilcock’s series “Wisdom Teachings” I have learned about the quantum state underlying the appearance of all matter and its behavior. David is relating this to how the prophesied ‘Burp of the Sun’ will actually happen from a scientific view point with the math to prove it. This is NOT the current scient-ISM, but actual science. Each star we see has its own fields of density around it. Mainstream science would have us believe that it is red shift (velocity of travel through space). Dr. Harold Aspden has correctly discovered that it is a quantum field density that [-MORE-]