The Capture of Alternative Media

May 31, 2017 Alison Bell 0

The Rashomon effect is where the same event is given contradictory interpretations by different individuals involved. The effect is named after Akira Kurosawa’s 1950 film Rashomon, in which a murder is described in four mutually contradictory ways by its four witnesses. More broadly, the term addresses the motivations, mechanism, and occurrences of the reporting on the circumstance, and so addresses contested interpretations of events, the existence of disagreements regarding the evidence of events, and the subjects of subjectivity versus objectivity in human perception, memory, and reporting. The Rashomon effect has been defined in a modern academic context (from Robert Anderson, [-MORE-]

Just a dolphin ma’am…

May 30, 2017 Alison Bell 0

I know there are times when I just sound like a sappy new-age do-gooder… And well, I am. I prefer to center myself there for a lot of reasons. However, even though it looks like I may be stupid, I am not. I look at ALL the media both the good and the bad and then, I take another step. I step back. I look for a pattern. And then, I take yet another step back, and I keep doing it as long as I can perceive a pattern. Sometimes in the old ‘As Above, So Below’ adage the pattern [-MORE-]

There is something we shouldn’t know: that bothers me…

May 29, 2017 Alison Bell 0

Who benefits? Who benefits from all the whoo-haa going on right now that was stirred up just before and continued through and after CITD? Who Benefits?!!! This is very close to the Problem-Reaction-Solution gambit that by the way was not created by David Icke, but coined by him from a much older technique called: Ordo ab Chao which is a Latin expression, meaning Order out of Chaos. From <> This statement was also used as the main character driver of the Borg queen in ‘Star Trek First Contact.’ (Think hive-mind) David Icke says: What happens in terms of creating wars [-MORE-]

What if?

May 27, 2017 Alison Bell 0

What if everything we see in the disclosure arena is being managed by the same Powers That Be that we think we are getting so smart about? Very smoothly, albeit, but very efficiently. I have watched the transition. Years back if they couldn’t control you they offed you. Now, the shifty bastards include you. Now, the powers that be are behind the whole disclosure movement. Well, if they can’t beat you then they join you, they infiltrate you, they buy you. Then, when they are in a place where they can pull the rug out from under what you have [-MORE-]

When we all wake up

May 3, 2017 Alison Bell 1

IMO. When we all wake up we will realize, all of us, that we are all the ‘aliens’ (that term is almost funny now) we have been waiting for, not just some of us, but the entire population of this planet both inside and out. Every. Single. Last. One. Of. Us. We HAVE passed the tipping point and we are beginning that roll down the other side with continuously increasing speed. One day, we will all just know. It will not be a OMG moment, or a ‘holy shit!’ moment… It will not be hidden, it will not get you [-MORE-]

Can’t see the forest for the trees…

April 29, 2017 Alison Bell 0

…to those who need definitive answers, the temptation to blindly believe or reject information is always great.  -Justin Deschamps The current shit storm going on around Cobra and Corey Goode and David Wilcock is a symptom. Yes, A Symptom. A symptom of where we are as a culture, and where we wish we weren’t. A symptom of lack of education because they don’t teach logic anymore in school. A symptom of wishful, emotional thinking – I’m right there to because I like the Star Trekkian future bit. But none the less a symptom. I am not going to go into [-MORE-]


April 26, 2017 Alison Bell 0

You can’t get lost if you have a map. But you need the whole map. You need light to read it and you need eyes to see it and use it. The biggest problem we have right now is this idea that life is an either or proposition. Black/white, good/bad, left/right, up/down… Physical/nuts and bolts, or nonphysical/consciousness… If you want to trick us landlubbers – muggles stuck down here on the planet, just make it invisible to us – we’ve been trained to do the rest of it. (the giggle factor, the professional suicide, the mental institutions…etc.) Like Pavlov’s dogs, [-MORE-]

Healing the inner corrupt demiurge, mini archon inside us. (hurry up!!)

April 25, 2017 Alison Bell 0

So, these last weeks, as disclosure has sped into ever increasingly widening circles, my mind has come back to and my heart has centered on this issue of why our hearts desire is such a hard thing for us to realize and how imperative it is that all of us wake up before it is too late for the planet and us. If what happens next on this earth is predicated on how well we create a wondrous future in our hearts, our hopes and dreams, we need to really get to work!! As much as we would love to [-MORE-]

By WHAT right? Divine Right of Kings: how one group of people thinks they are better and thereby exposes their insanity. (IMO)

March 29, 2017 Alison Bell 0

The divine right of kings, divine right, or God’s mandate is a political and religious doctrine of royal and political legitimacy. It asserts that a monarch is subject to no earthly authority, deriving the right to rule directly from the will of God. Divine right of kings – Wikipedia By whose right? By God’s right? Who is god, and how does this personage dole out divine right? So prove god. Prove god exists. Otherwise the source within, the spark of divinity within, the human part that says ‘I am’, makes us all divinely ‘righted’ to rule: ourselves. Sovereignty. And [-MORE-]

To Remember the Future…

March 22, 2017 Alison Bell 0

If you have listened…. Monday and Tuesday night Jimmy Church on Fade to Black has been asking some very pertinent questions about Dwave computing that involves ultradimensional computing in qbits (quantum bits) and frequency and HAARP and DARPA and our overall sense of wellness which is generated by our unconscious-subconscious minds. I have written a ton on the fact that mindscaping (talking to our subconscious – below the conscious awareness of our selves) is possible and is being used. I even included the patents for this in one article. Vault 7 is out and we know there isn’t one aspect [-MORE-]