Because: Love

July 3, 2016 Alison Bell 0

Because: Love Moment to moment. Choose. From another view point, Love has no duality. It is the way out. The doorway through which humanity can choose to leave this plane of duality. Through which humanity will ascend to 4D. The only doorway. Love has no opposite. It is the eternal Yes. Once I wrote yesterday, as always, it clarified in my mind what the question was. I have many fine teachers. Here are those answers. Gifts, all of them. Maia Dalma It is a legitimate question. Someone has already asked it, Alison. What do humans hate the most but each [-MORE-]


July 2, 2016 Alison Bell 0

I have noticed an under riding theme in doing my research lately that troubles me. There is one faction of people – mostly the ones who create world policy, that blame the masses, or try to blame the masses for everything. Global warming – which is a political agenda – is all our fault even though the science behind it is faulty. They have crafted it as a way to re-distribute the ‘global wealth’?!? There has been a huge push to separate one class of people from another for a very long time in various underhanded devious ways that get [-MORE-]


June 30, 2016 Alison Bell 0

Is it our insistence on time that keeps us locked into this 3 D world? Time being a perspective or mode of perception…Or, is it our insistence on seeing time as only one thing, operating in one way – linear? Because in 1D it is linear, in 2D its circular but in 3D its spherical and in 4D we will find out that it is a vortex or (vorticle? – is that a word?) A pattern is only valid when it fulfills: As above, so below. IMO, I also think that we will discover that it is entirely a choice [-MORE-]

Independence Day 2: The next big thing (ET war)

June 28, 2016 Alison Bell 0

(spoiler alert) Last night in a huge theatre with maybe 20 people in the whole thing, with 3D glasses and the whole-shamol, I sat and watched the entire movie. Half way through I was nauseated and ready to go, now whether that was from the forced 3D or the fact that I sat too close, or there was some underlying subliminal programing, or all of the above, I’m not sure, but, I made my self watch. True to form the big alien hive-mind squishy (with ectoplasmic goo included) squid looking ET was a merciless foe, and the new and improved [-MORE-]

2D-3D or 4D-5D? Which will it be????

June 23, 2016 Alison Bell 0

So, now, as we apparently (the whole planet) are raising our vibration and can expect creative ability to manifest easier and easier, maybe it was a good thing that there was a ‘lock’ of sorts on our ability to believe in what we could do…? And of course, isn’t it just sad and normal at the same time that we can create negatively all sorts of nasty, but that we find it hard to create positively? That the natural direction of our thoughts when we get bored, is to be negative, that being frightened is fun?? The law is: Anything [-MORE-]

Chakras, ZedPM’s and Reality?

June 21, 2016 Alison Bell 0

Idea states – chakras – spinning vortexes – Zpinches – realities – frequencies…   Any time you have a manifestation of anything you have a vortex of swirling ZpE. (zero point energy) Which means that the ZpF (zero point field) is intelligent. Intelligence does not predicate consciousness. Consciousness is a state of being aware of yourself – or being aware that you are aware. That happens when you swirl intelligence into a vortex creating a distillation point. When a critical accumulation point is achieved, you have the spark of awareness and or the creation of matter – manifestation. There are [-MORE-]

Lessons, Layers and the nature of Reality

June 17, 2016 Alison Bell 0

In trying so hard to choose differently on a moment to moment basis, I sometimes feel a weight on my shoulders that will never lift. It is not easy to be an enlightened person – especially if you are faking till you make it… (One of the best ways to learn, I have heard) I can only surmise that I have a very long way to go. I apply a filter to my exchanges with the world. A conscious one that I have been practicing many, many, years. That filter says let not one word leave my mouth, one thought [-MORE-]

If you meet Buddha on the road, Kill him…

June 14, 2016 Alison Bell 0

A kōan (公案?)/ˈkoʊ.ɑːn/; Chinese: 公案; pinyin: gōng’àn; Korean: 공안 (kong’an); Vietnamese: công án) is a story, dialogue, question, or statement, which is used in Zen practice to provoke the “great doubt” and test a student’s progress in Zen practice. From <> On our road to waking up we must accept no masters, no greater than thous no better-thans. So, if on that road to enlightenment you meet Buddha do not bow. Part of what will happen in this course of disclosure – and should happen- is the wrecking of all gods, all others that offer to ‘fix’ us or the [-MORE-]

Fresh Eyes

June 13, 2016 Alison Bell 0

It’s amazing. It’s hard and frustrating and yet, amazing to come back after a ten day absence to ‘normal’ life! The decompression runs a bunch of emotions through you. At least it has for me. I loved being in the desert at 29 palms and with my fader family! I can’t remember when I have had so much fun! I can’t remember when I have been so amazed at all the talents of each of you, all in one place! I can’t remember ever, feeling a unity so bright and beautiful with so many people! If I wandered around looking [-MORE-]

We were all meant to be here…

June 13, 2016 Alison Bell 0 EMERSON, LAKE & PALMER LYRICS  “From The Beginning” There might have been things I missed But don’t be unkind It don’t mean I’m blind Perhaps there’s a thing or two I think of lying in bed I shouldn’t have said But there it is You see it’s all clear You were meant to be here From the beginning Maybe I might have changed And not been so cruel Not been such a fool Whatever was done is done I just can’t recall It doesn’t matter at all You see it’s all clear You were meant to be here From [-MORE-]