
September 11, 2017 Alison Bell 0

Weather control is just one aspect of the outgrowth of scalar/vortex physics – a science that has been known and in development since before WWI in modern research and which has been encoded on this earth for the last 32,000 years in various texts, writings and monolithic structures. Boom! To think that the PTB in their continuing civil war, a millennia old, would even think about NOT using this technology, especially now that they have a decent technological base built back is just plain stupid. If the weather volleys we are experiencing are not enough, this tech is also applicable [-MORE-]

A different type of Ark; resonant frequencies that preserve a genetic DNA pattern: Gobekli Tepe

August 29, 2017 Alison Bell 0

So, I was listening to a short title From Whitley Strieber’s pod cast that had been turned into one of the “NEW for 2017” “NEWS” pirated videos, that happened to be LMH interviewing Dr. Robert Schoch at Gobekli Tepe when Klaus Schmidt, (who died July 20, 2014) was still alive. In other words…the video was not new and definitely ripped off. The idea that LMH was exploring with Dr. Schoch was that, and this astounded me, more than anything the pillars looked to her like they were capable of producing certain frequencies – like they hummed. Being aware of Dr. [-MORE-]

A Tower of Babel Moment: more in depth on the issue of Parole.

August 17, 2017 Alison Bell 0

Imagine being embroiled in a solar system civil war. Imagine having to flee from your entire planet, better yet imagine that your planet got blown up, and your inhabited moon got the atmosphere ripped from it by an out of control plasma weapon. Where would you go? What if some of you, understanding the scope of what could happen had already prepared a monster ship and had it ready and waiting for just such an eventuality. However, it was damaged by this civil war too, so you basically had to limp to the next closest place with an atmosphere available. [-MORE-]

The Planetary Parole Hearing

August 17, 2017 Alison Bell 0

Joseph Farrel has a very interesting theory about the ET presence in our modern world. He thinks we are at a “Tower of Babel Moment” – yet again. He talks about the comic war that blew up Tiamat, what is now the asteroid belt and rent the atmosphere of mars and how the victors and vanquished were not only quarantined to this planet, but how the solar system it’s self was quarantined. How the technology of both sides was taken, and what couldn’t be taken or used was destroyed and how what couldn’t be destroyed was hidden. He also says [-MORE-]

Breakaways – I’d like mine on the beach, please.

August 9, 2017 Alison Bell 0

Back in the 19th century (1800s) there was already a concerted effort to by two breakaway civilizations to separate from normal earth society per Walter Bosley’s research. It started with a group of German financiers funding several groups of people all experimenting with antigravity propulsion that IMO, worked off shape power and vortex mechanics. There was a group in Germany that were based in the study of the esoteric aspects and a group in the US out of CA based in more of the nuts and bolts called the Sonora Aero Club. Both made the craft and both flew. Bosley’s [-MORE-]

To get your ‘Ah-Ha!’ on…

August 7, 2017 Alison Bell 0

Joseph Farrell and Jim Marrs both extensively cover the covert hidden technology and infiltration of the Nazi 4th Reich in the world. The research is overwhelming. The connected dots are rock solid. I have spent the last week running through Jim Mars interviews on his books about this and Joseph Farrell’s interviews on his books. One particular source Forum Borealis is quite thorough and in depth with Farrell on Die Glocke (another name for the project was…Chronos”… let that sink in) and where it and some of the scientists went that were working on it post WW2. Apparently quite a [-MORE-]

The Fifth Form of Prayer

August 2, 2017 Alison Bell 0

This fifth mode of prayer, the “lost mode,” is a prayer that’s based solely in feeling. … Without any words, without our hands held in a certain position or any outward physical expression, this mode of prayer simply invites us to feel a clear and powerful feeling as if our prayers have already been answered.    Secrets of the Lost Mode of Prayer – Kryon This is to our direct connection to the source. The zero point field is always responding to our every feeling. When we use words to pray, we enter into a slippery slope, because most of those [-MORE-]

IMO: The feminine Hero’s Journey

August 1, 2017 Alison Bell 0

In one respect, I was right – if you compare the RV analysis of last night’s Fade to Black show (August 1st) with what I said on the June 23rd fader night… They were stuck here – stranded… What I couldn’t conceive of was that they were in a type of prison – an exile from their people on purpose. That horrendous things were done to them, I caught the resonances of desperation – and of course I chalked it up to being stranded – not imprisoned, because that kind of brutality would never occur to my mind. I still [-MORE-]

The Informational field, or the 10,000 names of…

July 27, 2017 Alison Bell 0

I think it is interesting that Pete Peterson calls ‘spiritual energy, the informational field. He is correct, but it has also been called the siddhis, the Akashic record, aether, ether, subquantum field, zero point field, space time continuum – the name for that field in which all matter is created and survives, the base framework that allows matter to coagulate and gain mass, light, slow light, electromagnetic field, god, source, prime creator, essence… this list goes on and on : the more than thousands of names of the something we all know in our inmost parts. In one way Pete is [-MORE-]

What if – ‘Beam me up scotty’!

July 24, 2017 Alison Bell 0

If consciousness organizes the quantum background to create matter or appearance, then you could take your consciousness elsewhere and distill a point of reference from the surrounding background there in which to interact with the fauna and flora by the use of the principle nonlocal entanglement. This would make you a non-local entity – or believe it or not, an ET. This is how we would do it, by using the local quantum background to create a vehicle. You’d reach your consciousness to its destination and distill  matter or an energetic body around the conscious ‘you’.   In the case [-MORE-]