The Interim: party hardy or act our age??

January 12, 2017 Alison Bell 1

So, what happens after we find out what has been going on, and we route all the control systems and we as a planet say enough is enough? What then? I have listened to two interviews by Kerry Cassidy in the last two days that corroborate Corey Good and David Wilcock’s testimonies, William Thompkins and a few others. SIMON PARKES : CHANGING THE WORLD – PART ONE PETER PAGET – A SPY IN TWO WORLDS – PART ONE Simon Parkes says in part two something which I think is brilliant, when Kerry asked him if there was anything he really [-MORE-]

EPR: where ARE my shoes??

January 11, 2017 Alison Bell 0

They are right now stuck in some other quantum time line. Which if you really think about it is a mini-Mandela effect. When you say Mandela actually you should think quantum. Billions of time lines all playing out simultaneously now. How you wind up in different times lines is totally predicated on your choice and what you tell yourself reality really is. Or what you want your reality to be – how daring enough you are to let go of the binary either-or-consciousness (safe) view of reality and begin to embrace Both-and… or all now. The easiest way to get [-MORE-]

Skynet became self-aware on Dec 28, 2016……..

January 9, 2017 Alison Bell 1

The mind-blowing AI announcement from Google that you probably missed. …And then in September Google gave their translation tool a new engine: the Google Neural Machine Translation system (GNMT). The new engine comes fully loaded with all the hot 2016 buzzwords, like neural network and machine learning. The short version is that Google Translate got smart. It developed the ability to learn from the people who used it. It learnt how to make educated guesses about the content, tone and meaning of phrases based on the context of other words and phrases around them. And — here’s the bit that should make your [-MORE-]

Are we binary beings or trinary beings? (first clue, this is a 3D world)

January 5, 2017 Alison Bell 0

Are we a simulation in the mind of God, or a simulation in a great big alien computer? What can I say about hidden in plain sight? Or a part of the equation never considered, hidden inside of our selves that we are so afraid to look at, that now we have become infinitely trick able in the modern world thought paradigm… Thursday, January 5, 2017 7:28 AM This article goes through a very well thought out process of comparing two hypothesis and does an excellent job of it. However… Were we to examine as in the above article all the similarities between the [-MORE-]

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Jan 1st Addendum – high strangeness

January 4, 2017 Alison Bell 0

Jan 1st Addendum – high strangeness Wednesday, January 4, 2017 10:52 AM I am watching a video by Harold Kautz Vella in , but of course, black goo and the difference tween bi-nary and tri-nary intelligence. One of the things he talks about is the ability of trinary centered consciousness interfering with binary systems. While I was watching this and being really fired up because it was ringing so damned true inside – resonating to my current level of understanding of things, my computer started to really drive me crazy. I have a blue tooth mouse and for some reason [-MORE-]

The Lie about the lie which is the lie…

January 2, 2017 Alison Bell 0

If we start out asssss -you-ming that the “lie” began – then it’s got to be in about the 5th or 6th generation of the first lie – which means that we have been lied to about the lie with a lie that was covered up by a lie and lied to about the cover up…. As we start waking up to this and the depth of the deception, it can make you breathless. Let’s assume again (and I have heard this before and agree with it) that the plan to deceive and control us began before the flood (maybe [-MORE-]

2017 Plan…

January 1, 2017 Alison Bell 0

Of course, what I would want to do is alter my reality. 2017 is the year when we will be able to begin to experiment. Because I awoke with two very clear realizations in my consciousness it will be my focus for this coming year. Everybody is talking about this, and while I was only paying ‘side’ attention to it all – my subconscious delivered a very clear message this morning. And…. It appeared without asking. That is always worth a very concerted notice. So below, find my action plan… I shall see how well this works as the year [-MORE-]

The Ma(e)ndel(l)a Effect: where are my shoes?

December 29, 2016 Alison Bell 1

If, as Laurie McDonald says, that whomever is playing with our reality is doing it to make us more doubtful about what we remember and thereby opening up our subconscious mind to be more suggestable, is true, then it’s been going on far, far, longer that just the last five years. I encountered this idea back in the 1980’s. And really, if I track the perception that the-‘world’-feels-different, I can track it back far longer than that, because I can remember that feeling from back in the 1960’s. When it really became obvious to me was in 1980. I had [-MORE-]


December 27, 2016 Alison Bell 0

This season from Thanksgiving through now till four days before this new year, has been a struggle for us to assimilate / integrate information energetically and mentally coming to us. Integration is a key word here. In essence we need to ground this charge of informational energy through our bodies. IN – FORM – ATION: IN expressing the situation of something that is or appears to be enclosed or surrounded by something else. (in this instance the movement of charge into our physicality) FORM the visible shape or configuration of something. (our form – the body) ATION (forming nouns) denoting [-MORE-]


December 20, 2016 Alison Bell 0

Where is our folksoul? The one that is this earth inside our hearts? Where has it gone? The one who vibrates with Gaia’s thoughts? The one who heeds her calling and shows up? The one that was aware of every nuance of her song? The one that felt a river of love that never diminished, the one that knew Gaia’s language, her heartsong? We have lost our deep legends, our inner story that was once our truth. We didn’t know that we were losing it. It happened so slowly. That frog in a can thing all over again. Slowly, slowly [-MORE-]