Too much??

March 20, 2017 Alison Bell 0

There is a prime lot of Psy-op, Data Inundation, and lets screw with their heads going on out there right now. I feel we are at a point where everything will very soon become apparent. But my question is, why are they trying so hard to distract us? My attention was drawn to an FB posting on a trailer for a non-existent movie, that had information on the pre-adamites we are supposedly finding in Arc’lantis and Nibiru and the whole ball of wax right now. As to why this movie has gained mythical status by vanishing, is also an interesting [-MORE-]

Personal discernment

March 18, 2017 Gabe Teigen 0

     I have begun to notice things, as many know I am often the crazy conspiracy theorist person, and I own that. In the last few years, I have seen “the powers that be” begin to lose their grip on things. Much of this seems to be from people refusing to take what they are given with no reasoning as to why, on all sides of our nations, no matter your view. The point of this country is and always will be…Money…period, if you want to argue that, you are willfully ignorant and to that, I say, good luck! *Defining: [-MORE-]

What if, only those who can understand will survive and thrive?

March 14, 2017 Alison Bell 1

What if, only those who can understand will survive and thrive? I would hate for that to be the truth, but in reality, everybody has a choice in this. The hardest thing to accept for some people is that they must choose and there is no mommy/daddy/god out there deciding for them. There has been a two pronged (probably more but these two are the most obvious) plan in effect that was built to keep those of intellectual inability from assessing and putting together the pieces and those who were spiritually behind from understanding the game, to ferret out those [-MORE-]

Orthodox vs. forbidden knowledge (and the ‘happy dance’)

March 7, 2017 Alison Bell 0

Orthodoxy (from Greek ὀρθοδοξία, orthodoxia – “right opinion”)[1] is adherence to correct or accepted creeds, especially in religion.[2] In the Christian sense the term means “conforming to the Christian faith as represented in the creeds of the early Church”.[3] The first seven Ecumenical Councils were held between the years of 325 and 787 with the aim of formalizing accepted doctrines. In some English speaking countries, Jews who adhere to all the traditions and commandments of the Torah are often called Orthodox Jews, though the term “orthodox” historically first described Christian beliefs. From <> Forbidden knowledge, which is different from secret [-MORE-]

I’d volunteer or, ‘Ignoring The Pink Elephant In The Living Room

February 22, 2017 Alison Bell 0

All I could think last night and this morning while listening to Dr. Michael Salla on Fade to Black, was that I would volunteer for these programs. Straight up. I’ve known since I was a kid that there were ‘aliens’. Even when I didn’t know it. The first time I actually encountered the idea a bolt of energy charged through my system and made all the fine hairs on my body stand up – YES!!!! was my only thought. And on the heels of that thought was “I want more!” I began my whole story with a first contact at 5 [-MORE-]

It’s all true: in its own way

January 26, 2017 Alison Bell 0

[Ok, I suppose some explanation is in order here. Look, ‘Disclosure’ happened in ’47. Can we just get over it and get on? We, as Faders already KNOW what is up. Come on – get with the plan and start asking what is next. Which, most of us, already have a good idea of. Ahem. We ARE the leaders. We know. We need to lead. We are in the middle of the next step. Guys, I am, and a lot of ppl are, counting on us to bring up the next question.] from FB in the comments for Olav Phillips, Wednesday night.   [-MORE-]

The Interim: party hardy or act our age??

January 12, 2017 Alison Bell 1

So, what happens after we find out what has been going on, and we route all the control systems and we as a planet say enough is enough? What then? I have listened to two interviews by Kerry Cassidy in the last two days that corroborate Corey Good and David Wilcock’s testimonies, William Thompkins and a few others. SIMON PARKES : CHANGING THE WORLD – PART ONE PETER PAGET – A SPY IN TWO WORLDS – PART ONE Simon Parkes says in part two something which I think is brilliant, when Kerry asked him if there was anything he really [-MORE-]

EPR: where ARE my shoes??

January 11, 2017 Alison Bell 0

They are right now stuck in some other quantum time line. Which if you really think about it is a mini-Mandela effect. When you say Mandela actually you should think quantum. Billions of time lines all playing out simultaneously now. How you wind up in different times lines is totally predicated on your choice and what you tell yourself reality really is. Or what you want your reality to be – how daring enough you are to let go of the binary either-or-consciousness (safe) view of reality and begin to embrace Both-and… or all now. The easiest way to get [-MORE-]

The Lie about the lie which is the lie…

January 2, 2017 Alison Bell 0

If we start out asssss -you-ming that the “lie” began – then it’s got to be in about the 5th or 6th generation of the first lie – which means that we have been lied to about the lie with a lie that was covered up by a lie and lied to about the cover up…. As we start waking up to this and the depth of the deception, it can make you breathless. Let’s assume again (and I have heard this before and agree with it) that the plan to deceive and control us began before the flood (maybe [-MORE-]

Do NOT Fall Back to Sleep!!!

December 5, 2016 Alison Bell 0

My heart wants to celebrate for Standing Rock. It really does. However, my gut tells me that this is only a small win in a much larger problem. This is the first indication that people are becoming aware of what is going on under their noses as they are distracted by many other things, the use and decimation of the planet and themselves as a commodity to be sold for profit regardless of what it does to the planet and it’s peoples. In an excellent article written this morning, on the site: Censored News by Brenda Norrell, She said, “DAPL [-MORE-]