Excerpt by Justin Deschamps: Mandela Effect, Timeline Splitting and Correction, from Cosmic Disclosure Season 6 – Episode 2: The Return of Gonzales – Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode and David Wilcock
Posted for your edification. The article is excellent, IMO far better is Justin’s video work with added explanation HERE. I am 300+ posts in on my blog, I could have been a thousand, and not reached the clarity and coherence of this one article by Justin. Read and learn. Then go listen. I beg of you. Mandela Effect, Timeline Splitting and Correction, and the 300,000 Ascension Figure The Mandela Effect is the divergence of memory from recorded historical events, which some contend is evidence that timelines are merging or changing. Ra-Teir-Eir seems to agree with the theory of timeline merging, [-MORE-]