A Little Tuesday Rant…

February 16, 2016 Alison Bell 0

The more I get into the DW & CG information, the more it confirms what I have felt for a long time. This is one hell-of-a mess! Some of the most convoluted, twisted, spun (add your own adjectives) information-dis-information ever. There is no true straight path through it. There is no story line, or factual this happened then this happened, that in the telling could straighten this morass out. Everybody has had a hand in changing, messing with and adapting who and what we are. Everybody has their own ‘take’ on why they interfered the way they did. Prime Directive??? [-MORE-]

Swirling, Moving, Vibes

February 15, 2016 Alison Bell 0

The fact that we can perceive something, ourselves included as solid, is just downright amazing. When you consider that we are moving in so many ways so quickly, through so many states at once, vibrating, turning, speeding through space through waves of energy out in space, in many dimensions at once, the simple fact that we can and do appear as something solid enough to even see, let alone have this whole universe to knock around in boggles the mind. Consider what force of focus this takes, to narrow down to so fine a point as we have, to keep [-MORE-]

The Perfect Containment Mechanism Part Deux: Disclosure and Consciousness Expansion are One and the Same

February 10, 2016 Alison Bell 0

It seems that Disclosure and the consciousness wave (waveX) are one and the same. In other words, you can’t have one without the other. When disclosure comes so does the expansion of your being; or the expansion of your being allows you to see that disclosure has been happening all while we slept. I humbly submit for your thoughts one more piece by the author of, 3D perception: The Perfect Containment Mechanism. These thoughts go deep and the piece would not be complete were I not to include them. Bob O. Dean says the same thing in this interview in [-MORE-]

3D perception: The Perfect Containment Mechanism

February 10, 2016 Alison Bell 0

This is a list of what we here on the planet consider the 3D psychic abilities that ‘gifted’ people are able to utilize. I am willing to bet that all people are ‘gifted’ and that we all could do this if we were not so thoroughly brain washed by the system/matrix we have grown up in. Notable psychic abilities Apportation – Materialization, disappearance or teleportation of an object.[1] Aura reading – Perception of energy fields surrounding people, places and things.[2] Automatic writing – Writing produced without conscious thought.[3][page needed] Astral projection or mental projection – An out-of-body experience in which an [-MORE-]

The Law of Love is 4D Consciousness

February 3, 2016 Alison Bell 0

OK let’s start out like this. In a multidimensional universe, you move through dimensions consciously, with your heart and mind. Remember, your body is only a current focal point, but not your whole being. 1D is mineral – yes rocks have a rudimentary consciousness 2D is group souls plants, trees, and animals 3D is an individuated soul – individual consciousness – like us – seemingly separate and alone in our heads and bodies 4D is a merging back to unity through universal, brotherly love (not personal – personal love is 3D  construct) 5D is an applied understanding of this that [-MORE-]

A very Large Missing Piece…somewhere

February 2, 2016 Alison Bell 0

IMO:  Is the disclosure we want, the disclosure we are going to get? If we ever thought just once that the ruling factions of our gov’t would ever tell us straight out about UFO’s and non-indigenous life, we are sadly mistaken. They are hoping that we, the people will do exactly what we are doing now, simply because then they can be seen as unwilling participants in a scenario they had no control over. Pawns just like us; because then they do not have to reveal that they have been in the thick of it manipulating events for the last [-MORE-]

How Do You Feel?

January 30, 2016 Alison Bell 0

Back in October some time, I caught this post on Face Book. I read it once a day until it was taken down. Every day I read it, I tried to wrap my mind around these words. I love thought experiments. This is a very good one. I share it with you because it is a vision of one way that disclosure can/may happen. It is deep and thought provoking. Practice, pretend, live within this for a moment with me. How does it make you feel? “Nine days. You will have nine days during ‘disclosure.’ During those nine days all [-MORE-]


January 18, 2016 Alison Bell 0

For quite some time now, I have felt things grinding to a halt, while others are saying time is speeding up – I have felt like my insides, my spirit, my mind, my cells have begun to get slower and slower, the moment in between heart beats getting longer and longer, the time between indrawn breath and exhale becoming limitless.   Like the breath you take just before you jump in the pool, or rip a band aide off, but it’s not happening yet. As the time grows in between the moments, I keep waiting. Suspended. In the moment, only [-MORE-]

Is It Any Wonder?

December 29, 2015 Alison Bell 1

Is it any wonder that we can posit an entire world of other beings that live on and share this sphere of activity with us and yet we cannot perceive them? As long as there have been records, both oral and written, they have talked about the hidden side of life. All of the great mystery traditions and all of the folk lore speak of another world entwined and enmeshed with this one. And for as long as that knowledge has been with us, it has been made evil, scary and forbidden.   But Why???   By a process of [-MORE-]

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GTFU, OPPs: #garliclooshe

December 1, 2015 Alison Bell 0

I’m just going to leave this here. WE NEED TO ‘GTFU’!!! OPPs* live and work and play amongst us. They have been here forever. I encounter them all the time. There is a person who comes into the bar where I sometimes meet my hubby for an after work beer. I see him, he sees me. We smile – we both know the other knows – and we enjoy the social hour. He has a beer and a couple of smokes and leaves. I cross paths with OPPs all over the place, the grocery, other stores, hell a few may [-MORE-]