I am a butt-head

May 23, 2016 Alison Bell 0

Share truth realizing that it is a sacred act of offering transformation to others, and it is their free will choice to accept it in the form and time that they need. So don’t feel pressured to force others to accept what you think is true because ultimately, it is only one perspective on the whole truth.  As the ancient hermetic principle of Polarity states: The Principle of Polarity  “Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but [-MORE-]

The Racial Engram – Why?

May 10, 2016 Alison Bell 0

What would be the easiest way to keep genetic blood line experiments separate, to be able to track them throughout the centuries? How about implanting the social complex you wish to segregate with the concept of elitism, with a racial fear – fear of dimishment of power? The most efficient way to do this would be by calling one group of people bad, and another good, or better than? And to prove this to the ‘better than’ ones you are trying to segregate, why not give them a mystery school set of beliefs radically different from those of the rest [-MORE-]

On being HuMan

April 28, 2016 Alison Bell 0

Recently it has been confusing to write. The only thing ever to come out of me has been about my own experiences or opinions. I can only say what I have realized or observed. You all know I don’t have a formal educational scrap of paper making me ‘certified’ in any scholastic discipline. No biggie. But I’m a really opinionated personality. Probably because I say things out of hand – without any ‘recognized experience’ in the field to back it up. But I still write it out and offer it up. And… holy cow, I have people who read it! [-MORE-]

The bottom of the rabbit whole is endless…

April 13, 2016 Alison Bell 0

The bottom of the rabbit whole is endless… Ronny McMullen said that last night on the air and it was like a bullet between my eyes! After listening to Dr. Greer answer Jimmy’s last question, keeping in mind Richard Dolan’s Brilliant information on the ‘Truth Embargo’, thinking about LMH’s information about all the shenanigans and her tireless effort to inform the public of it, thinking of CG and DW and everybody’s research all the way back to Menger, Adamski and Van Tassell – remembering that Greer said: We could have had this all solved back in the 1950’s (and he was right); [-MORE-]

quantum quandary? no, wait…

April 7, 2016 Alison Bell 1

I have two sides warring within me. The one that says there is vast truth in the spirit, that it may be our only survival. And the one that says, stand up and fight and look at the mess, clean it up and stand firm in sovereignty. The first one almost predicates a do-nothing type of attitude, the stare at my navel concept – and yet we know that it helps and does work. It is like an escape doorway if only we could find the latch on the door. The second predicates war… and I don’t like it. There [-MORE-]

The three blind men

March 31, 2016 Alison Bell 1

This week on Fade to Black was all about the Breakaway Civilizations we have had on the earth since time immemorial.  These three men are all brilliant and  each one presents such excellent research in this field. We do them disservice by trying to weigh one against the other – as if they were not presenting pieces of the same picture. The way we tend to look at information on the subject of UAP/UFO’s is to look for ONE person who is right – a savior of sorts… Truth is malleable. Truth is a subjective observation of the apprehended idea, [-MORE-]

the Awakening

March 28, 2016 Alison Bell 0

Just a quick little thought experiment: What if it all did happen 2012? We ascended, the earth changed, and all the attending things took place: but we FAILED to notice? And the reason we still have the bad guys and all the falderal going on is because we are simply creating it in our minds – because we didn’t notice??? That would mean that when we do wake up, when we do realize the fact that we are master creators, this world will change in a flash. (maybe of light?) Meaning the ONLY reason it appears as it does is [-MORE-]

Proof: Malibu, Nordics, Reptilians, Temporal Tech….

March 1, 2016 Alison Bell 0

BOOM!!! DROP THE BOMB! EXCELLENT SHOW! WOW!! OMG! JIMMY YOU ROCK!!! #f2b   This is Jimmy’s announcement on F2B of the Malibu Deep Underwater Base   It was so startling that it made it into the news of the day. http://abc7.com/entertainment/alien-base-found-off-the-coast-of-malibu-/127834/ this excellent abc7 exposé with an interview of Jimmy, while at the same time they poked fun at the facts, because god-forbid, that it might be true. Next we have a Huff Post article that includes more dis-proof than proof saying the area had been studied years before and those in the ‘know’ already knew it was just… “I [-MORE-]

Over 99 percent of your being is NOT 3D

February 25, 2016 Alison Bell 0

Rita K @GCRNFade2Black “There’s no such thing as death. Go back to focusing on life” @ConsciousExpos #recap Danny Brinkley @JChurchRadio @TEIncorporated #f2b  From <https://tweetdeck.twitter.com/#> OK, rather than continue to chronical all the negative that has been done and is being done to us in an effort to control us in this very limited spectra of our actual beingness, I am going to skip to the third part – the SPIRITUAL part. I would preface this by defining spiritual. adjective: spiritual    spir·it·u·al ˈspiriCH(əw)əl adjective 1. of, relating to, or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things. [-MORE-]

Just How Black is Blacker than Black?

February 8, 2016 Alison Bell 0

Recently I have heard and read some disparaging information about Dr. Steven Greer being a Gov’t plant. Due to the increasing push from some factions to divide and conquer in the UFO – conspiracy theorist camps, I can understand why. Dr. Greer’s tireless years of interviewing, research and campaigning to us in the larger world, his success in this – which has been huge – would tend to really aggravate the people who are trying to hide from us. In the 27 minutes of this video ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=naaBXzG89UY Dr. Steven Greer : Beware of the Fake ‘Alien Invasion) he lays [-MORE-]