“Let me help.” : an idea that is still too early?

September 14, 2016 Alison Bell 0

How very difficult it is to love someone that keeps hurting you. Even when you want to. The natural tendency is to pull back a bit, especially when it keeps happening and hold your primeself a bit more protected, until finally it is untouchable. You love from afar – but you do not engage. It’s like touching a hot plate, after a couple of times (lol – slow learner here) you quit doing it. Even if you’d like to, you know better. The problem occurs when it seems like the whole world is this way, and the only solution you [-MORE-]

War and Peace

September 8, 2016 Alison Bell 0

Is it possible to know peace on a planet who’s major industry for the last several hundred years has been war? Where the only real definition anybody knows for peace is absence of outright conflict? Lately I’ve been intrigued by the reports that we are actually in the middle of WW lll and the only reason we do not know it is because the major conflict is in an arena that is not bloody on our front door step. It is being fought with GMO’s, Chemtrails, Vaccines, Climate, education, media, news, the internet and technology. It’s the 1% against the 99%. [-MORE-]

We did it again!

September 8, 2016 Alison Bell 0

Just a short little observation today. It seems that in this march of disclosure, we (I, more specifically) assimilate information in different stages. I get given an awareness of a particular piece, say for instance, the David Icke information, and the first time I watch it, yes, I understand, but there is a part of me that says even though he makes logical sense, my gut is just not picking it up because it’s too wild. Then, a year later, I review some of his information again and voila! He is smartest person I have ever heard and there it [-MORE-]

Your Great-heart

September 5, 2016 Alison Bell 0

I started journaling in my teens to try to get in touch with the whomever it was that had been with me all my life and used to talk to me when I was a kid, and to understand why the world hurt so much. It evolved into a practice of getting up before dawn in those blissful hours where the world is asleep and it is so very quiet and writing with the light of a candle. It usually ended when I blew out the candle because it was light outside. I wanted to heal the damage done to [-MORE-]

Jumping sideways in time

August 30, 2016 Alison Bell 0

Last week the mothership crop circle had an internal line between the inside part and the outer ring of symbols. As of Monday when the pictures of the crop circle popped back up – that line is gone from the circle. This is the first time that I have seen external evidence of a sideways jump. Usually the energy and emotional tenor of things feel different to me. This time I really didn’t notice that, But I saw the difference, in a picture. Which brings up a number of questions for me because my personal Mandela effect has changed. What [-MORE-]

This is how your world will end. By Maia Dalma

August 28, 2016 Alison Bell 0

If you were hanging out on Solar Warden, having a philosophical moment, it might look like this: I counted at least twelve. It looked like a battle group. They are from the 24. Adrija’s people. They have taken up position. They will loiter until it is time. They have come for disclosure. It is imminent. No date. They want to meet you. Next week. The male and female. Hope and fear. Increase one. Lessen the other. It will be a challenge like no other we have faced. I have finished the AAR. Look for it. They have placed three on station. [-MORE-]

Conversations with Maia Dalma on the previous article: IMO

August 24, 2016 Alison Bell 0

There was, to my great surprise, quite the conversation going on around this last article. It seems to have hit a common nerve amongst those of us who are trying to keep a finger on what is currently going on in the bigger picture: in the solar system and beyond. Maia Dalma and I have had this conversation in many ways and through many lenses over the last year. Always Maia’s perspective is unique, a mixture of many things, intriguing and inspiring. One of the best posts was ‘9 Days’, on its third or fourth go-round in social media. This is [-MORE-]

IMO: yep, here it comes, another one. (warning – bad language)

August 23, 2016 Alison Bell 0

This is how my ass was kicked to the curb last night. Am since well slept and well recovered. I am wondering if I was not hit with some form of mind control last night as it was searingly emotional and very unlike me. I read Corey Goode Intel Update Part 2  August 2016,  and the realization hit that we are on the brink of abject failure in this – and the cost will be so dear if we fail!  I was talking to a friend with a compassionate ear last night, who, just let me rant. The below is raw, but [-MORE-]

IMO (yep another one…) or: If it was a snake it would have bit you!

August 9, 2016 Alison Bell 0

How can we say that one set of experiences are true and another set of experiences are false? Unless we were there how do we really know? We have been taught to judge by criterion that are false in the first place. A set of criterion that were designed to call into question and disavow anything that could move our recognition of reality out of the box it has been put in. I will just say that earth has been and is visited all the time by people who were not born here. Much the same way that we travel [-MORE-]

Timeline-Reality Split, Frequency Vibration, and the Hidden Forces of Life

August 3, 2016 Alison Bell 0

from the web site: Piercing the Veil of Reality From a hyperdimensional perspective, the end-game/goal of their agenda is to completely take-over/’body-snatch’ our physical/emotional/mental selves in order to lock us into a frequency prison – all of their various chessboard-level ‘triggers’ are designed to prime our bodies so as to facilitate the hosting of their vibrational essence within our human ‘mainframe’. The below article is one of the best reads I’ve had in a very long time. Timeline-Reality Split, Frequency Vibration, and the Hidden Forces of Life I wish I’d written this – Much of what I have tried to say [-MORE-]