Look inward…

September 24, 2016 Alison Bell 0

Last night I was called outside to look at the sunset. A conversation began. Maybe with the sky and me, I’m not sure. The topic was the matrix, the energetic control net, the world of traps, both intellectual and emotional that we are all swimming in, the cage within the cage within the cage. The question was asked of me: “Where is it that you want to be and how would it feel to be there?” This is because my neighborhood has turned into a closed off world of fences and closed off vistas, a gilded cage… As the answer [-MORE-]


September 21, 2016 Alison Bell 0

A simulacrum (plural: simulacra from Latin: simulacrum, which means “likeness, similarity”) is a representation or imitation of a person or thing. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simulacrum I awakened this morning with the realization that I was a simulacrum… A living bit of data in a huge system and that I was not really me. I was coming up into consciousness post-haste when I got conscious enough to say ‘Waitaminit!! Just WHEN was the conversion? When did this happen???’ I stopped and looked back at whatever it was that I was looking at, and the time frame was about 2-4 years ago. It may have [-MORE-]

The paradox: The proof is in the pudding.

September 20, 2016 Alison Bell 0

So last night on the Jimmy Church radio show, Fade to Black, I called in to ask about the archons. I don’t know what possessed me to say at the end that I would like to get my hands on one. I didn’t mean for violence. I wanted to ask questions, like why…etc. Then, I couldn’t fall asleep because I kept thinking, ‘Now you’ve done it because you just opened the door for contact you don’t want!’ I awoke this morning with the imprint of a dream I don’t remember having until I thought about the question I had raised [-MORE-]

IF: go around again

September 16, 2016 Alison Bell 0

I published this almost a year ago – since then many of us have had a taste of this – so this information may make more sense now. Consider the Mandela effect… If time , in reality, is not linear thereby making it not time because time IS linear, then what exactly is it that we are experiencing in a linear fashion, that propels the seasons and ages our bodies and creates entropy and, and, and? In some religious texts and in some quantum theories, all time is/was happening in the now. Every moment has happened, is happening and will [-MORE-]

Dream Loud.

September 15, 2016 Alison Bell 0

Dream your dreams of a new earth. Dream them loudly. Dream them passionately. Dream them as though they were a lover’s call, for they are. We are – all of us – calling to the creation of a new timeline for earth, a better, more peaceful, more compassionate, abundant, fresh green earth. The better we dream it, the more love we call it with, the more magnificent it will be. Those of you that have the heart, those of you that have the vision, those of you who have not forgotten, we need you. Those amongst us who are the [-MORE-]

“Let me help.” : an idea that is still too early?

September 14, 2016 Alison Bell 0

How very difficult it is to love someone that keeps hurting you. Even when you want to. The natural tendency is to pull back a bit, especially when it keeps happening and hold your primeself a bit more protected, until finally it is untouchable. You love from afar – but you do not engage. It’s like touching a hot plate, after a couple of times (lol – slow learner here) you quit doing it. Even if you’d like to, you know better. The problem occurs when it seems like the whole world is this way, and the only solution you [-MORE-]

Telepathy’s learning curve: maturity, or, how to tell if you have stink-mind

September 9, 2016 Alison Bell 0

Okay, I know that advanced civilizations utilize telepathy, but, is there really a true understanding there just because of telepathy? At least on our current level of development… What I mean is, is our apprehension of an idea from a mind that wasn’t acculturated to this planet accurate? I have a feeling we will be encountering this question within the next decade pretty deeply. We will all probably have the same basic archetypal associations like mother, father, sibling, earth, ground etc., however will they have the same ‘meaning’ from one group to the next, will there be the same emotional context within [-MORE-]

War and Peace

September 8, 2016 Alison Bell 0

Is it possible to know peace on a planet who’s major industry for the last several hundred years has been war? Where the only real definition anybody knows for peace is absence of outright conflict? Lately I’ve been intrigued by the reports that we are actually in the middle of WW lll and the only reason we do not know it is because the major conflict is in an arena that is not bloody on our front door step. It is being fought with GMO’s, Chemtrails, Vaccines, Climate, education, media, news, the internet and technology. It’s the 1% against the 99%. [-MORE-]

We did it again!

September 8, 2016 Alison Bell 0

Just a short little observation today. It seems that in this march of disclosure, we (I, more specifically) assimilate information in different stages. I get given an awareness of a particular piece, say for instance, the David Icke information, and the first time I watch it, yes, I understand, but there is a part of me that says even though he makes logical sense, my gut is just not picking it up because it’s too wild. Then, a year later, I review some of his information again and voila! He is smartest person I have ever heard and there it [-MORE-]

The 5% solution

September 7, 2016 Alison Bell 0

It seems to me, part of this shift that we are currently undergoing will require a new way of looking at life, a new way to interpret ourselves and events. I have been trying in all that I offer to explore the nature of our innate idea systems. Many of these I realize have been grafted on to us, more than having come from within our deep nature. I have presented others authors, their ideas, in an effort to illustrate how just a 5% change in the interpretation of ideas we think we know, changes everything. You can take these [-MORE-]