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Foolish Wisdom

December 22, 2015 Alison Bell 0

We are afraid of our own foolishness – in who to believe, because we are not educated enough to know for ourselves. We have been set up to ‘know’ there is only ONEWAY to believe anything, to be spiritual or to be right. We have been taught this by paying the huge price of being dis-avowed/disowned/disenfranchised by those we must depend on to get our money from (work), or those we value because we love them, or by loss of stature in society generally. There have been several attempts to re-educate society, or certain part of it through movements like [-MORE-]

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December 11, 2015 Alison Bell 0

Watch to the end. Read the credits!   Published on Dec 6, 2015 Thank you for watching the video “We Are Here”. This video was created by an anonymous source. I chose to publish this video in support of its message.   As stated by the source of the video:   If you’d like to have your name added onto the end of the video, you may do so by sending a simple list of the name(s) to add to: [email protected]. Please put “please add” in the subject line. If you know what category you’d like the names (or pseudonyms) [-MORE-]

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Pretty Tricky…

December 7, 2015 Alison Bell 0

So, I have always wondered HOW some of the loosh that we make gets to the said people who want it…   Well, I was watching a TV show on Friday that had the heroine in a life or death situation. Of course they went to commercial break at that very OMG moment. I went for my phone to peruse face book while I waited for the almost over 4+ minutes of bs., to shift some of the built up energy the plot had brought me to, and the frustration of having to wait till the damned commercials were over [-MORE-]

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December 3, 2015 Alison Bell 0

5,000 yr. prophesy timeline New Age timeline Positive ET timeline Negative ET timeline Indigenous timeline Biblical end times The Event Galactic energy Super Wave Total control of population/capture of planet Stewards of the planet/care for all life that’s is upon/in her Vatican information Mystery school information retaught to some population Free will Prime Directive: reeducation   Institute a 5,000 yr. misinformation plan to structure the indigenous mind set into compliance & agreement Planetary consciousness information Jesuit plans Rediscover what was hidden Data dumps: Vatican info plus exposure of corporate, Nazi, underground, breakaway, confederation plans Hide all real truth that could [-MORE-]

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GTFU, OPPs: #garliclooshe

December 1, 2015 Alison Bell 0

I’m just going to leave this here. WE NEED TO ‘GTFU’!!! OPPs* live and work and play amongst us. They have been here forever. I encounter them all the time. There is a person who comes into the bar where I sometimes meet my hubby for an after work beer. I see him, he sees me. We smile – we both know the other knows – and we enjoy the social hour. He has a beer and a couple of smokes and leaves. I cross paths with OPPs all over the place, the grocery, other stores, hell a few may [-MORE-]

The Joy Factor

November 24, 2015 Alison Bell 0

In honor of Kosta and Hollis being on the show last night, I wanted to show just how amazing having contact can be. This first snippet was my first experience, my first time trying to put into context what it all meant to me, and the first time ever that I wrote anything like a blog…. Bean Blossom, Bill Monroe Camp Grounds, Indiana Sunday, April 27, 2014  1:14 PM As best I can, I will try to make sense of this, so it is possible to understand how I know this was contact. When I was little, I was not very happy to [-MORE-]

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About Last Night: From Puerto Rico

November 19, 2015 Alison Bell 0

The world was listening…. From: Sandra Rios Subject: Terrorism in Paris   Hi Jimmy,   This is Sandra Rios from Puerto Rico. Jimmy it was my pleasure to meet you last summer at Contact in the Desert 2015. I got a cool photo of us together. Last night’s show (Nov. 18, 2015) was explosive (pun intended), and I congratulate you for keeping a calm head and an even keel. I’d like to make a post to this blog with an explanation about the Paris bombings that neither you, Kerry Cassidy, or Michael Barra touched upon. A fact is that for [-MORE-]

About Last Night….

November 19, 2015 Alison Bell 2

I beg your indulgence with this posting. This was too delish not to share, a perfect illustration of so many things. Back way out of the box with me on this one and try to see the biggest point, let the little ones go – see the pattern of how we are manipulated by the people who would be kings, and how easy it is. I got permission.     Alison Bell Guys, this was a set up to make us think. To think about just the splintered factions amongst us in our tiny little group….. Like · Reply · [-MORE-]

JCU: Jimmy Church University

November 18, 2015 Alison Bell 1

I posted this on face book, but truly, I feel it deserves a place on the blog. There are as many ways to look at the disclosure situation as there are people. This is because we do not have enough facts. Part of what Jimmy church does on his radio show is educate us across a very broad spectrum of topics that develop a nice rounded picture of the whole ENTIRE situation. All I am saying is that we should be getting CEU’s for this – it is of that caliber. Monday night’s show (11-16-15) was a good example of how many viewpoints [-MORE-]

Holding the Space for Transformation to Occur

November 14, 2015 Alison Bell 0

One of the hardest things to do is let go of an outcome on something you are trying very hard to help happen. Most healers know this. We can offer energetic stability so the body has a chance to reorganize and heal its self, we can offer extra energy, but it is the body, ultimately, that will use that energy and stability to effect the change. We can Hold the Space in our hearts for that change, but once we buy into an outcome that we want to see, we are no longer creating the momentum needed for that change [-MORE-]