Over 99 percent of your being is NOT 3D
Rita K @GCRNFade2Black “There’s no such thing as death. Go back to focusing on life” @ConsciousExpos #recap Danny Brinkley @JChurchRadio @TEIncorporated #f2b From <https://tweetdeck.twitter.com/#> OK, rather than continue to chronical all the negative that has been done and is being done to us in an effort to control us in this very limited spectra of our actual beingness, I am going to skip to the third part – the SPIRITUAL part. I would preface this by defining spiritual. adjective: spiritual spir·it·u·al ˈspiriCH(əw)əl adjective 1. of, relating to, or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things. [-MORE-]